Where did the summer go? The kids were excited today for the first day of school! They looked so cute in their new school clothes with their new backpacks!

James is going to be in 2nd grade this year his teacher is Mrs. London!

Porter is going to be in 3rd Grade his teacher is Mrs. Duffin!

Abby is going to be in 4th Grade her teacher is Mrs. Stevens!

Handsome little boy excited to start 2nd Grade!

Handsome little boy excited to start 3rd Grade!

Beautiful little girl excited to start 4th Grade!

Waiting for the bus! Looking at me like really mom its ok you can go inside now!

Mom really we are ok!

Emma helped me put these together for the kids. We made them and put them in their bags so they will find them at school for a surprise! A little note to tell them we hope they have a fun 1st day at school and we love them so much! Love Dad and Mom!

Getting on the bus!

And they are off for the 1st day of school!