We are so proud of Abby for making the decision to be Baptized and Confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!!! Abby was Baptized and Confirmed by her father Matt Hone on December 04, 2010. It was just an amazing day!!! After Abby was baptized and confirmed we were going to get a picture of the whole family there, but then James threw up everywhere right before I went to take the picture. So we ended up not getting a family picture, but James felt better the next day. This is who came to support Abby on her exciting day! Dad, Mom, Porter, James, Emma, Grandpa Jon, Grandma Kathy,Great Granpa Sheldon, Great Grandma Nancy, Grandpa Jim, Grandma Dorie, Aunt Jessie, Aunt Michelle, Cousin Wyatt, Quinlan, Walker, Kynlee, Makell, Aunt Emilee, and Uncle Rex. Thanks again everyone for all your support. Abby we are so pround of you! Thanks for being a great example to your brothers and sister! We love you Abby!

Abby so EXCITED to be baptized and confirmed by her Dad!

Abby looked so beautiful in her baptism dress!

Abby was able to be baptized the same day as her best friend Amanda Stephens!

I love this picture of Matt and Abby!

Abby was also baptized with her other best friend Breeley!