We decided since the kids have been doing so awesome at their chores after school to try something new! At the first of each month at Family Home Evening they have to all decided on one place they would like to go at the end of the month for doing their chores! In January they all decided they wanted to go to the NickleCade! So we went to the Golden Corral for dinner their favorite place to eat! (All you can eat chocolate fountain and cotton candy who wouldn't want to eat there! ) Then off the the Nickle Cade! Grandpa Jim, Grandma Dorie, and Aunt Jessie came with us to! We all had so much FUN!!! Keep up the good work on your chores! Wonder where we will go next month? |
Porter shooting hoops with Grandpa, Grandma, and Hazel watching
Hazel loved to put the coin in to make the car go. When it stop she would say more!
Dad playing basketball and Abby playing Skee Ball.
This is the best James could do to look at me so I could take a picture so much into the game!
Emma getting her coins ready to ride in the cheese!