Just wanted to let Matt know I LOVE him so much! Abby has been sick so on Friday she wanted flowers. So I called Matt and asked him if he could pick up Abby's some flowers and she wanted a card with the flowers. Matt had to come home first before he could pick up the flowers. When he got home Abby had made him a list of flowers that she wanted what kind, what color, and how many. So Matt, Porter, and James went to get flowers! When they got home Matt did a great job picking out the flowers Abby wanted. She was so happy and excited that her dad got her flowers with a card! Not only that, he suprise Emma and I with flowers (Roses) for us as well. Matt has always been good at suprising us with flowers! Matt thanks for being that best husband and dad in the whole world. I love you so much!!!

Abby's flower's everything she wanted and more!



All of ours!!!