Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Target Ultra Sound!

I am so grateful for Ultra Sounds!  Matt, Emma, Hazel  came with me to my Target Ultra Sound on Feb.20, 2013 (24 weeks)!  He is such a CUTIE!  Everything looks great! We were so grateful! The Ultra Sounds tech was able to get some super cute pictures of him! Also she said he has really long legs (He gets them from Matt :))!  He weighs right around 1lb. 8oz!  A few notes in the Second Trimester....I started to feel him kick/move right around 17 wks/18 wks...What an amazing feeling! I love it! Then I really started to show right after we got home from our St. George trip so I think it was right around 19 wks! I have had alot of energy this trimester! No SHREK feet yet!:)

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