Thursday, August 2, 2012

Everything and Everything!

Emma fell asleep after playing princesses! I think this picture is so cute!
James so thoughtful picked me some flowers...

The boys looking so handsome in their Easter outfits!
Emma so smart at the ipod touch. She also hurt her finger. Her finger got ran over by the Rip Riders when the kids were riding them one day. Grandma Kathy nursed her finger back to perfect! Half of her fingernail got ripped off and was really sore. Thank goodness for nurse Grandma Kathy!

Abby got mad one day at me and said she was moving out. Here she is with the wagon full on her way. I took a picture of her and told her bye and I love her. She made it 1/2 off block and decided she really does love being home!
Emma loves to help me make dinner!

Here is sweet little Emma. Her mouth is really sore at the first of Feb. she had to have some dental work done.

James and the microwave needless to say James cannot use the microwave by himself anymore he has only blown up two microwaves now really we are on our third microwave...He forgets to put water in the mac n cheese...
A day playing in the snow at the first of this year!

YUM! Mac n' cheese anyone?

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